Saturday 24 November 2012 BTEUP Result 2013, BTEUP Polytechnic 1st, 2nd, 3rd, Final Year Results 2013

BTEPU Results

BTEUP Result 2013, BTEUP Polytechnic 1st, 2nd, 3rd, Final Year Results 2013: -
The BTEUP is one of the technical education boards of the utter Pradesh state. The board is known as the utter Pradesh board of technical education (UPBTE or BTEUP). The board was established in the year 1962. The board is providing technical education to the students in the utter Pradesh state after completing their junior engineer’s course. The course provided by the board is a three year program. This three year program is also known as the three year diploma. The BTEUP is divided into mainly in four zones: Meerut, Lucknow, Jhnasi, and Varanasi.  The each zone has three types of institutions: government institute, aided institute and private institute.

BTEPU Results 2013:-
The BTEUP conducts the annual exams for first, second and third year in the end of the session. All the students who appear in the exams are eagerly waiting for the exam result. The board will announce the result on their official website. The official website of the board is